Key Stage 1 (Ages 5-7)
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Key Stage 1 (Ages 5-7)

St. Julian’s School Shaper Profile and the 6C’s are integral to learning in Key Stage 1. Children are taught about these learner values and encouraged to follow them at all times through learning and play. 

In this stage, the Foundation curriculum transitions into the Key Stage 1 curriculum, where English and Mathematics are taught as separate subjects. These subjects are also often linked to cross-curricular themes, incorporating Science, History, Geography, Art, Design & Technology, Computing, Music and Physical Education. These themes are chosen based on children’s interests, making them relevant and relatable. This approach encourages the children to make links between different areas of learning and helps them work more meaningfully.

To develop our student’s well-being, confidence and self-esteem, we have a Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) programme which aims to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding to lead confident, healthy and independent lives.


The English language is integral to all we teach, with the framework of the English National Curriculum used to guide our planning, enhanced with an international approach and outlook. Our engaging English curriculum is enriched through a wealth of texts which enables the development of their reading, writing and listening skills.

Additionally, there is an emphasis on phonics, spelling, grammar and punctuation. We aim to build a passion for reading, equipping students with language to communicate through the written and spoken word effectively.


Our aim in Mathematics is for each child to achieve their potential, attain the basic skills and concepts in this subject and develop the insight to apply these skills in various situations, allowing students to see how this subject is used in ‘real-life’ situations. In Key Stage 1, we follow the White Rose Schemes of learning. When the children are introduced to a new concept, they have the opportunity to build competency by adopting the following approach: 

Concrete - children will have the opportunity to use concrete objects to help them understand what they are doing. 

Pictorial - alongside this, the children learn to use pictorial representations. These representations can then be used to help reason and solve problems.

Abstract - concrete and pictorial representations enable children’s understanding of abstract methods. 

Differentiated, stimulating and exciting activities help children at St. Julian’s enjoy mathematics and see the fun and beauty in it. Students can use it to help understand and explain the world around them. They feel secure enough to take risks, embrace challenges and develop deductive reasoning skills. 


Throughout Key Stage 1 Science lessons, students will be learning about the importance of asking questions, gathering evidence, carrying out experiments and looking at different ways of presenting their results. Lessons are practical and will focus on the world around them. 

At the end of Year 2, standardised summative tests are used to evaluate student progress against Age Related Expectations (ARE), which set out the expected standards of student performance at each Key Stage. 

Computing and Technology integration

There is 1 computing lesson a week led by a specialist teacher and class teachers have access to banks of iPads to enable them to plan to use technology in the classroom.

Physical Education

During the two lessons a week, Primary PE specialists ensure that the children experience a wide range of activities to encourage children to develop a love of sport and exercise. 


The early principles of Music are taught by a Music specialist in 1 lesson a week, but Music also plays a daily part in the classroom and in cross-curricular topics and assemblies

History, Geography,  Art and DT are incorporated in cross-curricular topics that are constantly reviewed to ensure they are interesting and relevant  to the children.  


One weekly assembly is held each week in Key Stage One where the children learn about different celebrations and the 6Cs are embedded throughout the year.